Whether you have an endowment already or are looking to start a new endowment, promoting the Foundation for the People of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Illinois as a giving option will be instrumental in your success.
Simply making your parishioners aware that the Foundation exists is your first step. If you have an endowment already periodically mention what good is accomplished by that endowment. If you do not have an endowment, consider mentioning your vision for the future and how having an endowment will help achieve that vision.
Consider suggesting the Foundation as an option for memorial gifts. When your parish receives a bequest, set aside a small amount to either start or add to an existing endowment. Have some envelopes printed naming your endowment to be placed in area funeral homes.
One way to either start or significantly grow an endowment would be to specifically ask some larger donors to contribute. Several modest gifts can add up quickly.
Some suggested bulletin announcements
Did you know our school endowment saves our parish $______ every year? Consider making a gift today—you will not only be helping our school, but also our parish. Ask Father how you can give to our endowment today!
Our cemetery costs the parish $_____ every year in maintenance expenses. That number would be higher were it not for our endowment covering the remainder. Our parish has benefitted greatly from the generosity of those who came before us. Please consider a gift to our cemetery endowment.
Last year we were able to help ____ families with tuition assistance from our scholarship endowment. Please remember our school in your estate planning. Contact Fr. ______ for more information.
Want to make a gift that will last forever? Consider starting an endowment for our parish or school. An endowment can be established for $25,000, payable over 5 years. Please contact Katie Price at the Foundation for the People of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield today at 217-321-1121, or via e-mail at .
The top three reasons to support our parish endowment:
- We are Catholic! Like you, we want support the things we believe in.
- Smart. Also like you we like finding smart ways to make a dollar go as far as it can.
- Reliable. The Foundation for the People of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield has a long and stable history so you can feel confident placing your assets in our endowment.